With our emphasis on CONNECT, GROW, and SERVE, we see our worship services as the greatest opportunity for everyone to CONNECT with God through the worship of Jesus Christ as Lord.
Come and CONNECT with God along with us as we WORSHIP the Living and Everlasting God of the Universe!
Worship is lead by Delisa Brown. If you play an instrument or sing, please feel free to contact Delisa about being a part of the music ministry of worship at NPBC!
Thank you so much for coming to our web site and taking a minute to check us out! It's so meaningful for a local church today, to have new people interested in what we are doing. In this day and age of COVID 19 and divided elections, and economic turmoil, and on and on.....People are forgetting to draw near to God and to do that through the means of His local Church! I'm so grateful that you are showing an interest.
It's important for us to remember that it's all about JESUS! He really is the MAIN THING.
Look, you may have heard this before, but just in case you haven't, let me tell you the Good News!
God became FLESH. That's who Jesus was. He was the God/Man. He left Heaven and came to this earth through the womb of a woman so that He could be both 100% God AND 100% man!
As the God/Man, He bore all the sins of the whole world, past, present and future sins, on His Body as He hung on the cross and died. He had all the sins of all mankind upon Himself as He hung on that cross.
Then, 3 days later, He arose from the dead, conquering death and promising the gift of everlasting life!
This "Good News" is that God paid for the guilt of all our sins when He died on the Cross. And, He made available the gift of everlasting life when He rose from the dead.
This gift of life and forgiveness is something that man could never provide himself. There's no amount of turning over new leafs, or trying harder to do better, or money that can be paid.....there's NOTHING that man can do to earn a right standing with God. Every man is a sinner, fallen short of God's glory. And what Jesus did when He died, was buried and then rose again, took care of the sin problem and offered instead the forever gift of everlasting life to ALL who would receive.
How do you get this gift for yourself? Jesus said that we are to turn to God and receive it by faith. That's right! Faith! We place our total trust in what Jesus did for us on the Cross as the only thing in all the world that will make us right with God! When we trust in Jesus, the Bible promises that we go from death to life. We are forgiven. We are RIGHT WITH GOD (Righteousness).
It also promises that Jesus by His Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. Literally. He writes His Word on our hearts. He makes us a part of the universal Church of the Living God (the Body of Christ). There's so much wonderful, SUPERNATURAL stuff that God does when we come to Christ by faith.
It is our desire to help you walk through this new life experience . Would you allow us to do that? Please contact us through the form provided on our contact page, or visit with us this next Sunday and let us know that you are ready to be RIGHT WITH GOD!
Brother B
(Dr. Buster Wilson, Pastor NPBC)