Welcome to new prospect
823 Highway 334, Oxford, MS - 662.234.365WE
Our SUNDAY SCHOOL is at 9:30 and Worship is 10:30 am
Wednesday supper at 5:30
823 Highway 334, Oxford, MS - 662.234.365WE
Our SUNDAY SCHOOL is at 9:30 and Worship is 10:30 am
Wednesday supper at 5:30
Brotherhood Breakfast is this Sunday morning at 8 am.
Deacons meeting is Sunday afternoon at 5 pm.
DON’T MISS THE EXCITING PROPHECTIC TEACHING OF DR. J.B. HIXSON, Sunday, Feb. 23rd, at 10:30 am, with a luncheon and Q&A afterwards!
WE RECENTLY LOST THE TWO GIANT A./C UNITS IN OUR GYM. That means that we have NO HEAT in our huge gym. SO, we are going to be WEEK - TO - WEEK in deciding if we will have AWANA. IF the weather isn’t too cold, we will meet. IF it is below freezing, we will NOT meet AWANA on that Wednesday night. Keep a watch on our FACEBOOK page, for the church to know for sure. We will state there if we are or are not meeting that week. Thanks for understanding.
Sunday school (Life University) - There is a class of Bible Study for every person, age and interests. Come on and get BACK INTO THE WORD OF GOD with Study in Sunday school Sunday mornings at 9:30.
Don’t Miss CELEBRATE RECOVERY a ministry to help folks get deliverance from hurts, habits and hang ups in life. Every Friday night at 6 pm!
(Our regular schedule is modified during the holidays. Please make note.)
Morning Worship is at 10:30 every Sunday
Sunday School is at 9:30 every Sunday
Sunday night BodyLife services are at 6 pm
Wednesday: Student ministries - 6-7:30 pm
AWANA (with Supper) - 5:30 pm
Adult Bible Study - 6 pm
We’d like to publicly announce that NPBC is thoroughly Biblically Conservative, and does NOT use or rely on any non-Biblical philosophy or theories to interpret the Bible or to guide our doctrine. We reject the modernist and “woke” bent of the current American Church. We also are absolutely committed to, “Whosoever will may come” as the basis of the Gospel message and call to lost men To be saved.
I do not say this without great reason. And please understand, this is NOT a partisan statement! The reasons for me saying this are not political, but truly Biblical in nature. And I have been called by God Almighty to be a teacher and proclaimer of Biblical Truth!
So, here goes.
The GREAT issues of this election are not political, although at least one political party has entrapped these issues into the political realm. So, when pastors, such as myself speak on these issues, it sounds like we’re getting political, but we are NOT!
Let’s look at the core issues of this election.
ABORTION. One candidate has stated over and over again that her main issue is to run in order to make abortions, with no limits or exceptions, available at any point in the pregnancy! The Bible is clear! God despises the shedding of innocent blood, and you can’t get any more innocent than the unborn! And please, forget this nonsense of, I should the freedom to do what I want with my own body!” That might be true, but the unborn baby within you is NOT your own body! This is undisputed science. The baby within has its own heart and heartbeat, its own circulatory system, its own brain and brain waves and its own nervous system! It is by every measure a completely different human being! I believe that any candidate or party that is running to insure more and more heinous abortions of innocent babies, should not be allowed into power!
BORDERS. If you read Genesis 10 and 11 you will find that God prescribed and individual nations AND inscribed their actual borders. God established borders and commanded the nations of the Bible to protect and enforce theirs.
GENDER IDENTITY ISSUES. God created MALE and FEMALE from the very beginning – Gen. chapter 1. The government of the United States is out of line when trying to urge and pay for sex changes for young boys and girls, and even using tax money to pay for sex changes for prisoners and for illegal aliens! Wrong on so many levels!
LYING. It might be a truism to ask, “how do you know when a political isn’t lying? Their mouth isn’t moving!” However, in this election, there has been more outright lying than one can handle! When one candidate says, “I will not do thus and so…”, and the opposing candidate gets up every night and says, “my opponent WILL DO so and so…”, that is just a dishonest lie! Some of the more egregious lies have been when there is actual video of a candidate saying something, and yet they will swear night after night that they did NOT say what the video clearly shows! Some of the toughest language of this race is the labeling of an entire swath of the country as fascists, Hitler lovers, and “garbage”! Listen to the language and choose the one who is most honest and uplifting.
Look, I realize that no election is without lying politicians (what a shame!), or troubling language or divisive tactics. BUT, this election, due to alliances, promises made, lies told, and the state of our economy and the world scene, this election is going to be the most important of my lifetime. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO GET OUT AND CAST YOUR VOTE! If you do not vote, you will get the government you deserve!
Please pray for Alice Hodge who is home now. Go by and see her when you can!.
Kitty Silas, and Claudean White are all in nursing `homes in Oxford. Please pray for them and visit as often as allowed. Write letters too..
Recently, We shared with you that Joe Maples was diagnosed with Lukemia. He has undergone quite a bit of treatment in Memphis, and is now going between Memphis and home quite a bit. PLEASE keep Joe and Kim in your prayers as they battle this together!! God IS answering prayers!!
We have had many who are sick and have had procedures, but we really want to pray for Fran Ramsey. Fran had a serious foot surgery this past week. She is so essential to our great LiveNativity Event each December and she is praying hard to be up and walking well by then! Pray with us and Fran that she will heal well fast!
Brother Everette is in the Veteran’s Nursing Home in Oxford. Please pray for this man of God and for his sweet wife, Connie!
We’ve had several families suffer loss of late. Please keep them in your prayers:
Mike Johnson’s brother and his family; Teresa Petty’s father and their family; Kathy Thomas’ brother and his family. Please keep these families in prayer!
On a recent Wednesday night in our Gospel Series, Brother B taught about EMPOWERING THE GOSPEL by being Filled with The Holy Spirit!
This phrase defines the purpose and function of NPBC.
(These are all the more important as we walk through this current world!)
Our first desire as a church is to CONNECT, first with Jesus and then with each other.
Then, we are to GROW in our knowledge of God and our relationships with each other.
Then finally, we are to SERVE each other, our Church, and to reach out and serve the world!
This phrase defines the FUNCTIONS that we do as a Church and WHY we do them:
We CONNECT with God in our worship services.
We GROW in knowledge and relationships in Sunday School.
We SERVE through Ministry Teams and Gospel Outreaches.
You can now give your tithes and offerings ON LINE, here, . by clicking the button below. This will take you to our SAFE OnLine Giving Provider with bank-grade encryption protection!
Thank you so much for remembering to Support the work of the Lord at NPBC!
“For we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, and power and a sound mind.”
2 Tim. 1:7
Here are the current Services and times at NPBC. Thank you so much for worshipping the Lord Jesus with us! There is NO SUBSTITUTE for the in-person fellowship of the Body of Christ!
Sunday School - LIFE UNIVERSITY:
9:30 am
Morning Worship:
10:30 am
Sunday Evening Worship:
6 pm
Wednesday Night Activities:
Supper: 5:30
Adult Bible Study: 6